Friday, April 27, 2007

Some More Things You Hate

Other things that really piss you off:

-Ingenuine people.

-When you leave your cell phone at home in the hopes of having like a billion voicemails, missed calls and text messages when you finally return to it. This never, ever happens. You get back to your phone, after having left it alone for, like, the whole day, only to discover: (1) No missed calls, no text messages, no voicemails or, (2) three voicemails from your mom wondering where you are, a text from cingular alerting you about a cheaper text plan, and several missed calls from all of the people you hate and don't want to talk to.

-Mediocre music: It's not terrible, so you can't just shit all over it and never listen to it again, but it's just not very good. So, for all intents and purposes it is terrible. But you think that there might be that one decent song on the album, so you keep listening, then you listen again, because there's that one song you remembed from the first listen that was okay, but it's really not okay, and you just blew a couple hours of your time and one of the following: $15 at a record store; $10 on itunes; or $0 and a whole lot of bandwidth at some illegal, free site.

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